
Prevention of Asthma

Try to avoid the things that cause the allergens and respiratory irritants. These allergens include house dust, feathers, mites, cockroaches etc., by reducing these allergens the attack of the asthma can be controlled to the large extent. Irritants such as cigarette smoke must be avoided. In some of the peoples, aspirin and other nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs may trigger the attacks. Try to avoid these drugs. Intake of low dietary antioxidant nutrients such as vitamins A, C, and E, selenium etc., can increase the risk for lung damage. Adults may avoid asthma attack in the workplace by staying away from chemicals that irritate the lungs.

The Following points will help you prevent the Asthma Attacks
• Try to avoid the dust and stuffed animals.
• Try to control the cockroaches by using the insect sprays because the cockroach is the major allergy trigger in asthma attacks.
• Try to use airtight allergy proof plastic cover on mattresses and pillows.
• Stuffed animals must be washed using hot water.
• Try to keep your indoor humidity low because the dust mites and mold increase in high humidity.
• Try to avoid the smoky environment.
• Try to avoid the use of ceiling fans.
• Try to avoid strong odors and sprays in the home.
• Try not to go outside when pollution or ozone counts are high.